trick flow track heat intake small block mopar

Wring More Power Out of Your Small Block Mopar with a Trick Flow Track Heat Intake Manifold

Does your LA series small block Mope need a midrange power boost? Trick Flow’s Track Heat intake manifold is just the ticket. Its one-piece spider-type design features extended high-flow runners and a raised plenum floor to increase power in the 3,000 to 7,000 RPM range – right where a street or mild race engine needs it most.

The Track Heat intake is dyno-optimized for Trick Flow’s PowerPort 190 cylinder heads, but it works well with most aftermarket cylinder heads. Trick Flow added extra material around the port openings for custom port matching, plus bosses that can be drilled for nitrous nozzles. Mmm, nitrous.

The Trick Flow Track Heat intake manifold accepts any 4150-style square bore carburetor. With a carburetor mounting pad height of 5.125 inches, the manifold should fit under most hoods.

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