Even if you don’t recognize Jay Ward's name, you’re undoubtedly familiar with his work. Ward has been with animation company Pixar since it was a scrappy Bay Area startup in 1998. He caught the attention of director John Lasseter while working as a production assistant

We’ve all been spending more time on social media in recent years, as well as interacting with online platforms like YouTube. And if you’re a car enthusiast, it’s likely you’ve seen – or will soon see – content created by Emily Reeves. Reeves and her husband,

Ron Capps was practically destined to become a drag racer. He grew up in central California, tagging along to drag strips with his father, who raced and wrenched on race cars, and his mother, who was also entrenched in the sport. “My mom and dad turned

Steve Tracy still recalls when he got turned onto hot rods in the mid-1970s. “The guy across the street took me to the Frog Follies [street rod show] in Evansville [Indiana] when I was 14,” Steve says. “I went out there for the frog races,