12 Cars of Christmas – #8 That’s a Wrap!
Editor’s Note: We’re getting into the Holiday Spirit this year! Sometimes the littlest things can bring a big smile to your face, and that’s exactly where this 12 Cars of Christmas idea came from. I was scrolling through some of my favorite social media outlets and Christmas-inspired hot rods kept popping up in my feed. I decided to reach out to some of these owners, do a little investigating on my own, and bring you (in no specific order) 12 Cool Cars that really took the holiday festivities to another level!
12 Cars of Christmas – #8
Chris Voights’ put a new meaning on “wrapping your vehicle” this year when he spent 12 hours covering his 2016 Ford F150 in holiday gift wrapping paper! Being mindful of the potential for littering, Chris was extra-cautious to make sure no open edges faced forward and that all paper was tucked and taped behind body gaps.
Surprisingly, the wrap job withstood 70mph on the freeway as well as light rain and early-morning frost for a week, in which Chris traveled 500 miles. The fun ended on the first day of heavy rain and snow when the paper became too saturated and began to tear. As Chris stated on his Instagram page, “Well that was fun, I got a week out of it. Can’t wait to do it again next year…the wreath will stay for now.” 12 hours to wrap, and only 1 hour to unwrap…but memories that will surely last!