Boat Fails! We Want Boat Fails! Friday Funny [Video]
Boat fails are one of our favorite parts of summer. It’s Friday. The weekend is here and so are the boat fails. It’s hard core boating season right now and the action is heating up big time across America. Fools are rippin’ and runnin’ wide open out there on the waterways and it’s party time. But remember – you can get a DUI if you’re buzzed boating so watch it!
We love boating. We grew up boating. One of us used to go on commercial fishing expeditions with dad in the Pacific Ocean in the summers. We witnessed many boat launch fails. One guy lost his International Scout to the Berkeley Marina. We have water skied, jumped wakes and blasted down channels in cigarette boats.
But this Friday Funny video is all about the fail. Fails of every kind imaginable and you can bet your boat there is alcohol involved in most of these epic clips. The famed Lake of the Ozarks clip at :47 shows you the dark side of wake jumping at 75mph. There were obvious injuries. Dude will never do that again.
The power blast at 1:35 shows you just how powerful a 200hp Evinrude outboard motor can be. The bald dude in the blue speedo grasps his neck from the rooster tail smacking him below the chin. Dirt nap!
But the biggest WTF and the hands down winner here is the dynamite guys at 1:42. Are you kidding? What could possibly possess a man to drop a charge like that mere feet from a boat? Oh. Maybe alcohol poisoning? Drink up guys. How the rubber boat doesn’t puncture is beyond us!
From coast to coast, border to border – you boaters are bringing it and we love seeing it. We love seeing the fails even more! Happy sailing and failing from your friends at Fuel Curve!